Here's my ANGEL

If you are not a parent, you will not fully understand me or think that it's only for "AUNTIES", if that's so I think I am one, so to speak...

My life now revolves around our little angel, she wakes up, I wake up...she sleeps, I sleep...she cries, I attend to her needs. very much like a nanny. She's a good baby with BIG appetite and half the time she cries is mainly for feeds and for the past few days she's been "latching on" very well which is good but she sucks, my nipples screams as well...

Well, that's breastfeeding...But overall, I am glad and thankful that she's been growing quite well and fast and very soon she will out grow the cot here. Hmmmm, must think of a way to fit her in another cot soon...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

helllo d! so nice to see pics of your little angel ! :) it is good to know that you're enjoying your new role as a parent :) hehe mine is still swimming in my tummy..will be out very soon !! - hazel